Estimation of Gross Regional Domestic Product per Capita at the Sub-District Level in Bali, NTB, and NTT Provinces Using Machine Learning Approaches and Geospatial Data
Big Data Geospatial, Gross Regional Domestic Product Per Capita, Machine Learning, Neural Network, Williamson IndexAbstract
Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to estimate Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) per capita at the sub-district level. Background Problems: Currently, GRDP per capita is calculated only at the district level by BPS. Novelty: This study estimates GRDP per capita at the sub-district level using a model developed at the district level, applying machine learning and linear regression methods. Research Methods: The model was constructed using geospatial data sourced from satellite imagery, OpenStreetMap, (Village Potential Statistics) PODES, directories of large mining companies, and directories of the manufacturing industry at the district level. Linear regression and machine learning methods, including neural networks, random forest regression, and support vector regression, were used to develop the model. The research focuses on three provinces: Bali, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Findings/Results: The best-performing model was support vector regression, with MAE and MAPE evaluations of 10.33 million and 26.11%, respectively. The results indicate that sub-districts with high GRDP per capita are typically urban areas that serve as economic hubs. The Williamson Index results show that districts in the eastern region have higher inequality levels compared to those in the western region.
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