Application of Bayesian Inference Model Variational Bayesian Principal Component Analysis (VBPCA) for Handling Missing Data in Principal Component Analysis
Variational Bayesian PCA, Principal Component Analysis, Missing Value, Incomplete DataAbstract
In standard Principal Component Analysis (PCA) comes one problem in addressing the set of incomplete data. The standard PCA procedure on incomplete data is to eliminate (listwise deletion procedure) or using the mean of the variable, this procedure may result in loss information from these observations. Another method used is to integrate Expectation Maximization (EM) to the method of Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA). But PPCA can produce overfitting response prediction. In this study discussed the Variational Bayesian Principal Component Analysis (VBPCA) which is a method of development of PPCA method by incorporating prior information from the distribution of the principal components of the model parameters. From the simulation studies by eliminating the data through the concept of missing at random (MAR), obtained results that the value of the correlation scores principal components complete data with the principal component score predicted results PPCA method is superior when compared with VBPCA, as well as to the value of the correlation scores for the various percentages are generally incomplete data. However, judging from the size of a match between the response to predictions by the size normalized root mean square error of prediction (NRMSEP) VBPCA method produces better than PPCA.
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